About me
Anja gave me a trance session in a private matter. Anja knows nothing about my darkest niches of my soul - my stumbling blocks in my personality development, my imprints, patterns and blockades. Anja and her spiritual team gave me a trance session, which hit me in the deepest part of my soul. She showed and described details - details - connections - and put them together in a way that I understand them and that they support me on my further path or decision. I have received precise instructions where I am challenged in my development - what the challenges mean for me personally - and how I can handle them.
It has been several years since I received such precise coaching for my soul development.
Anja, I thank you from my heart - you are a great Trance Medium!
Während der Session durfte durch das Benennen von Verletzungen so manches in die Heilung gehen. Die Session mit Anja hat mir so vieles an Liebe, Frieden und Wahrhaftigkeit gegeben. Es war ein heimkommen. Ich fühlte mich durch Anja sehr geschützt und geborgen.. Danke Anja für dieses Erleben Ich freue mich schon auf eine weitere Session.
Herzlichen Dank
— Sieglinde —​​
I heartily recommend Anja. Through her trance healing, she helped me to be able to let go of an ex-partner better. I was able to go back in time with her and see why I am so connected to this person. That helped me to accept this and to classify it correctly in my current life.
Anja's Lomi Lomi Nui massages are a pleasure for the human soul. You can let yourself go, feel held and strengthened because you can feel how the energy flows better afterwards and a lot can be solved on a physical and other levels of exitence.
Thank you very much
— Sabrina —